An article for Surfline about how a life-changing encounter helped one man start practicing radical kindness in the water.
Article for National Geographic about the science behind infrared heat, and how it’s used in both clinical settings and in Pilates classes.
Article for Surfline about surf therapy and how to handle complicated emotions in the water. The article was inspired by my experience with the Surf With Amigas Holistic Surf Retreat in February, 2024.
Article about progressive overload -- the concept of increasing the difficulty of your effort -- in strength training for The New York Times. Appeared both online and in print, and the article led to an invitation to help teach a course at Middlebury College's Alumni College.
Article for The New York Times about exercisers who say cannabis eases their pain and anxiety — and makes fitness more fun. Appeared in print and online.
Print article for Men’s Heath Magazine that appeared in the January/February issue. (A slightly different version also appeared online.)
Experts say it’s crucial to listen to your body to avoid injury. But what does that really mean, and how can you put it into practice? Article for The New York Times.
Article for The New York Times about how working on your posture and strengthening your spine can help with neck pain.
Article for The New York Times about rucking, or walking with a weighted backpack for exercise. Invited to appear on an NPR affiliate’s public affairs show to discuss the article after it published.
Article for Outside about how after years of science failing to show the benefits of multivitamins, research has found multivitamins may benefit older adults and athletes.
Article for The New York Times about how to get an effective, full-body workout in 20 minutes. Appeared in print and online.
Article for The New York Times about why training balance is essential for health and longevity. The article, which appeared in print and online, was one of top ten most gift-shared articles for 2022.
Article for The Washington Post about how to know when it’s time to take a break from your fitness tracker.
Article for about six of the most promising new water conservation technologies for residents and agriculture.
Article for The Washington Post exploring the new trend of mental health gyms, focusing on Liberate and Coa.
An assignment for The New York Times Well section about a 15-minute kettlebell workout for all levels.